High & Wide Hockey Podcast The Flyers Will Win Game 3

The Flyers Will Win Game 3

Well, before we get started, let’s get it all out now:

Alright, alright, alright. It’s okay. One step at a time. Step off the ledge and let’s get back to reality, Flyers fans. Oh, you’re angry? I bet you’re angry. It’s almost like this team has never lost before. Your head must be spinning! Our 2020 Philadelphia Flyers could never lose!

It’s absolute chaos to think about, right? I mean, did you really think we were going to dominate every game?  Go 16-0 and rope-a-dope our way to the Stanley Cup? (Wait, other teams want this?) WELL OF COURSE YOU DID! WE HAVEN’T LOST IN 6 MONTHS!

I want to take a moment and perhaps quiz some of you on the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Ready? Let’s begin.

  1. How many teams are in the Stanley Cup Playoffs? 16! (Wait, you mean the Flyers aren’t the only ones in it?)
  2. How many teams are in the Eastern Conference Playoffs? 8! (Woah woah woah…no no, the Flyers should automatically be in the finals!)
  3. How many rounds are in the playoffs? Ooh! Ooh! 4! (Yes, correct little Scotty! 4! Not 1! But 4!)4
  4. How many games are in a series? 7! It’s SEVEN! (Well, so? What does that mean? ITS MEANS YOU DON’T LOSE A SERIES AFTER ONE LOSS! It’s like magic! Each team has to win 4 games! What a clue! This means the Flyers aren’t out yet.(Something that most of you don’t realize!)

Sports are a magical thing. They have the ability to take us to euphoric highs, while also having the ability to steal our lunch money and kick us in the pills. 

You know what’s crazy about sports? That on any given night the best team in the league has the ability to be beaten. Sometimes we only realize one side of this.

Underdogs often use this as motivation. In Philadelphia, we’re so used to being the hunters that we often forget what it’s like to be the hunted. This is exactly what had transpired on Friday afternoon. 

It was a wake up call to everyone (except JVR who promptly slept through his alarm). Some of you still may be shocked. It was the type of game that you’re forced to watch in purgatory before you enter the seven circles of hell. It hurt.

But hey, guess what? We lost ONE game. ONE. We didn’t lose the series. In fact, that thought hasn’t even entered my mind. 

Everyone needs to take a step back and breathe in (1, 2, 3), breathe out (1, 2, 3), and go take a lap. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again and I’ll triple down on it: THE MONTREAL CANADIENS ARE NOT BEATING US 4 TIMES. I will take that to the grave with me.

Many of you will be looking at historical data, advanced analytics, and other anecdotes for answers here. But the truth of the matter is this team, the 2020 Philadelphia Flyers, has always answered the bell after getting kicked in the teeth. Other than the Disney on Ice road trip (bleh), this team has not lost back to back games all season. 

These are not the Dave Hakstol Flyers. This team will not stay down after getting shot and pissed on. I will fight a Dave Hakstol.

You may be asking, “What do the Flyers need to do to be successful against this Canadiens team?”. Ha, I don’t know I’m not a coach and I’m not going to pretend to be one. As a fan, what would I like to see? PHYSICALITY. FIGHTING. HITTING. TERRORIZE Carey Price’s crease. Crash through it, make him feel uncomfortable. Take a bag of dog shit, light it on fire and leave it right on his doorstep. You are seldom going to beat Carey Price on the first shot. The Flyers need to create a living hell for him.  They need to burn his house down and piss on the ashes.

If you ask me, an embarrassing and humiliating loss is just what this team needed to wake up and get back to reality. This does not mean that this Philadelphia Flyers team is not any less special than they were before this loss. You best believe this team will come back strong in game 3 and win.

Game 3 Victory. Carter Hart Shutout. Flyers in 5. Flint Michigan MegaBowl.

Follow me on Twitter @FlyersJohnny

Photo Credit: Frank Gunn/ The Associated Press

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