High & Wide Hockey Articles That’s It, Chuck Fletcher Was Way Too Efficient During This Flyers Offeason

That’s It, Chuck Fletcher Was Way Too Efficient During This Flyers Offeason

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Alright, I’VE HAD ENOUGH! We have been teased for far too long. I’M TIRED OF WAITING.

Mother Of Neptune, this season needs to start.

The bright side? (shoutout Josh Bright). It is, indeed, September and there will be Flyers hockey, albeit pre-season, played on September 28th at 7pm versus the New York Islanders.

Chuck Fletcher was way way way too efficient this off-season. He got everything done so quickly in the beginning of the NHL off-season to where it feels like we’ve been sitting at home, twiddling our thumbs and watching Seinfeld re-runs (just me?) for the last two months.


I have been procrastinating on work. Distracting myself with 2012 Flyers v Penguins highlights to pass the time. I keep crying at night (unrelated, my therapist is getting fed up with me. I just wanted to vent).

If I would have put half the energy into my work as I’ve had thinking about if Carter Hart will have a bounce-back year, I would have had at least two promotions by now.


In case you are in need of a refresher, Let’s evaluate and consult our handy checklist as to what Chuck Fletcher has done so far this offseason.

Top Pair Dman(Ellis)

Top 4 Dman(Risto)

Top 6 Vet Dman(Yandle)

Move Voracek Salary

Move Ghost Salary

Re-sign Morin

Re-sign Hart

Re-sign Sanheim

Re-sign Bunnaman

Shoot-First Forward(Atkinson)

Bottom Six Forward(Brassard/Thompson)

Backup Goalie(Jones)

Extend Sean Couturier

Extend Joel Farabee

I mean, this has to be somewhat historic in terms of activity for a single Philadelphia Flyers offseason.

I have been day-dreaming of Rasmus Ristolainen in a Flyers jersey for the last two months and honestly, I’m tired of it. I’m cranky. Impatient. Irritable. I just want to see a 6’4 Finn bash someones head through the boards while wearing my favorite team’s sweater. It’s the simple things in life, really.

I have been composing, re-writing, and editing line combinations during the whole summer. There has not been a single sniff of ice anywhere in the Philadelphia area. I am having withdrawals and losing my mind.

Do you know how many times I’ve moved Travis Konecny up, down and around my line combinations? Simply, too many. It’s not even the poor guy’s fault. I’m just bored.

He isn’t to blame that my boredom and irritability has led me to put him on the 4th line.



….Ooof. Just reading back over this article. I apologize. I just needed to vent. We’ve all been there. Flyers hockey needs to come back. 25 more days until pre-season hockey.

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